Date: Thursday 7th August
Venue: The Swan, Blakedown
Food: a few options off the menu
Beers: yes
Hare: Clodhopper
Visitors/virgins: none
Venue: The Swan, Blakedown
Food: a few options off the menu
Beers: yes
Hare: Clodhopper
Visitors/virgins: none

I arrived so early that Windy Miller and Thing 2 had time to marvel at how long it took Dr Whiplash to change into his running gear. The Pro and the Amateur were also there nice and early and I'm sure I spied them having an aperitif.
Injured Genital Reminder was in civvies but he had brought Russell Sprout...Who's the Daddy and Tough Love were there, along with New Guy Adam and his dog Charlie, those newish people including Kirstie who I don't think have hash names yet (sorry!), Darth Radar and Cinderella, Lassie, Game Bird, Doggie Fashion, Shag, Mike and Lynda, Dr Jekyll and Shirley...I shouldn't have started this list because I'll feel bad if I've forgotten someone.
Anyway, it was all about the animals tonight and as Clodhopper told us about the hash, the two Charlies and Jasper got to know each other. Actually it was all about the animals and poo, because we spent the evening avoiding both.
Apart from the donkeys at the first hash halt. We didn't want to avoid those. They were really cute.
We eventually tore ourselves away and, blinded by the setting sun, nearly got trampled by some horses with stroppy riders. They weren't happy about us using 'their' bridle way. The horses were nice, though.
Mike, off of Mike and Lynda, was caught short and made no attempt to hide the fact that he was having a wee, despite the presence of hashlings. After another hash halt with beers, soft drinks and sweets, we climbed a hill and were rewarded with a lovely view, complete with a hot air balloon and a paraglider.
We fed some horses at the third hash halt and finished off the sweets. Shag gave his Charlie a bath in a water trough but seemed to wet himself more than Charlie. There were some more horses, one of which was jumping and rearing and scaring Cinderella and me.
Back to the On Inn where Compost joined us for some food and quizzes. Shag and Doggie Fashion had been to the Pacman Hash in London and taken some photos. We had to guess who the people looked like from WFHHH with hilarious results. Most of the answers were luckily not present.
Mike and Lynda did the down downs but luckily they weren't on the scale of the Fancy London ones...Clodhopper received one for his excellent hash, Doggie Fashion was given a roll of toilet paper for her dodgy looking mud stain down her leg, whereas Dr Jekyll was given one for popping home for a shower. Then Mike off of Mike and Lynda poured his over Dr Jekyll's head! Awkward.
I had Happy Birthday sung to me and the most delicious slice of chocolate fudge cake with a raspberry coulis ever. Thanks guys!
I had Happy Birthday sung to me and the most delicious slice of chocolate fudge cake with a raspberry coulis ever. Thanks guys!
Next week: Chez Hash Quack (this is not a pub, Ilse!)