Monday, 13 May 2013

Chez Hash Quack, Menith Wood

# 253
Date: Thursday 9th May 2013
Venue: Chez Hash Quack & Get Down Shep

Food: Homemade chilli, rice & salad, cheese & biscuits
Beers: BYO or wine from the Ward’s wine cellar
Hares: Hash Quack & Get Down Shep
Virgins: none
Visitors: none

Trail: A beautiful, picturesque trail around Menith Wood and Great Witley, with the bluebells in bloom and even a little sunshine to light the way. Lots of ups and downs, lots of luscious terrain, lots of attention paid to Annie by the other canines, lots of jostling by young Torchy (yet again!) and of course, lots of fun.

Get Down Shep approached the first HH heavily laden down by his paratrooper—style rucksack and we almost wondered why he was carrying it until we were treated to some rather special sweet and tangy worms. Golden Shower was found crouching alongside a Beetle but wasn’t checking his makeup; instead he required the delicate extraction of an insect from under his eyelid.

The rucksack was proving to be too much for our trooper and off he went short-cutting whilst the rest of us climbed the next hill and then went galloping off down through the fields with a cheeky sharp left-hand hairpin bend and yet another ascent to the next HH. Some hashers got a little too excited about the beers – maybe Slippery Nipples might have been more appropriate? 

A herd of manic sheep throwing themselves at a wire fence got Shag and his Demon Dog with our RA but she soon forgot this episode and started recounting how she was enjoying her new musical purchases, her Mystic Meg prowess and how she’d got her large jugs out in the school canteen.

Hash Quack nearly got herself in a spot of bother as it appeared that she was losing her own trail but the apple loops saved her at the 3rd HH and they were soon proclaimed to be the confectionery equivalent of panache!

Down downs: Doggy Fashion awarded down downs to Hash Quack and Get Down Shep for their wonderful hash, their wonderful hospitality and their re-routing of food money towards Early Riser’s charity run. There had been a lot of whingeing on facebook about this one, given Hash Quack’s previous history, but this hash was just lovely. Some beautiful scenery plus we were home before dark. We did see some changes in the weather along the way but all in all, it was a great one! Early Riser for his spectacular fall over a twig, right in front of Doggy Fashion so there was no way of escaping that one, and for his 10K run for charity at the weekend; Torchy the Battery Boy for his 50 mile bike ride on BH Monday plus him trying to jostle the RA along the way tonight; Captain Cavemen for short-cutting over a stile as the farmer observed this trespassing manoeuvre; Trenchfoot for surprising us all just after the 2nd HH then racing off ahead leaving those behind to wonder who on earth had joined us; Copulation for his Julie Andrews tribute to the wonderful countryside; and finally, to Leg Over, who didn’t get his leg over anything this evening as he was still nursing his poorly feet – all together now – aaaaaaaaaaah!

Hot Lips x
Next week: The Fox Inn, Hanley Child

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