Hash 305
Date: Thursday 24th April
Pub: The Button Oak
Beers: Butty Bach, Doom Bar, Ciders: Stowford Press, Thatcher's Gold
Food: off the menu (all excellent)
Hare: Game Bird
Visitors/virgins: none
Pub: The Button Oak
Beers: Butty Bach, Doom Bar, Ciders: Stowford Press, Thatcher's Gold
Food: off the menu (all excellent)
Hare: Game Bird
Visitors/virgins: none
Trail: Game Bird's greatest hash ever!
About 25 hashers gathered for this evening's lovely spring hash. It's still the Easter holidays, so there were lots of hashlings, plus a couple of canines. Lovely to see Say No More and Bristols out tonight too. Tits or Treats has also made a welcome return and needed to either calm her nerves or quench her thirst on the car park before setting off.
Our GM was still AWOL so we volunteered the Amateur for the job again. He did try to protest that he wasn't the deputy GM but when we reminded him who it actually was he agreed to stand in. We armed him with the information required, he got on his blower and called us to order.
Game Bird filled us in with the details: mud, mud & more mud. Maybe some flour, definitely some bluebells but mostly mud. Hash Quack was keen to get moving and went off to check it out up the hill.
And so, down the hill and turning right into the forest, getting amongst the mud right from the start. Sleeping Beauty slipped over very early on, christening her brand new trainers, trousers & her teddy good & proper! Thankfully there were no tears, she got right back up and soldiered on, helped by the HH bribes.
Now, I spent most (all) of the hash at the back so was worried about writing the blog, as I wasn't really in the thick of it, but here goes anyway.
A muddy, brambly trail with a few checks for the FRBs. At the first HH we were treated to chocolate crunchie bites & eclairs and Dr Jeckyll and Sucks It Up regressed back to their youth and were photo-bombing.
Off through the woods again, lots more mud, bracken & brambles. We we still at the back until I was helped up to the top of a great big hill to HH number 2 with a terrific view and some lovely jelly sweets.
Windy Miller was concerned for Cleopatra's safety, Darth Radar was photo bombing this time, Sprout & Bushwacker were flat out on the floor, whilst Bubbles was practising his plié (I only know this because of Dr Whiplash's video).
A clever twist as the trail double backed on itself and we went racing back down the hill - the hashlings loved this bit! (Me too!)
Cutting back through the woods again where Shag, Doggy Fashion, Sucks It Up, Sleeping Beauty ended up at the back yet again, walking and talking. The rest of the pack raced on ahead and the hare was nowhere to be seen. The markings were minimal although the checks were nigh on perfect circles and well-marked by the FRBs (just as well as we didn't hear much calling (or were we just too far behind to hear?)
Shag found his lookout point but still couldn't locate anyone. Luckily the trail was pretty straightforward & we soon caught up at the 3rd HH with a water feature, Duncan making a splash, whilst Bubbles had saved some apple rings for us latecomers with the little legs.
Off up the hill and out into the open, Darth Radar was playfully splashing Windy Miller, Wrong was splashing himself in the muddy puddles, whilst Olivia and Christian (not Henry, as incorrectly stated last week) emerged from some nearby bushes!
A sign told us we were near to Dowles Brook but we didn't go that way. Genital Reminder was on hand to help the littleys, the elderly and the infirm at the climbing wall and yet another ascent up yet another muddy trail. Windy Miller had a lift from a windy Shag and was jet-propelled up the hill to the final HH with peach rings this time - the best yet!
A plan was hatched to get the hashlings out at the front, which worked for all of 2 minutes before all were overtaken. Well Laid is right though, with the HH's, it's fine to walk, you eventually catch up!
Turning right at the next junction and a fabulous downhill (as long as you missed the boggy hoof marks) back to the on inn.
A wonderful hash with wonderful hills, views, sweets and mud plus the added bonus that no one got lost (including the hare)
Massive thanks to the Button Oak!
Down downs: awarded by an amplified Doggy Fashion to Game Bird (& Maisie) for her excellent quality bluebell run; Bubbles her loyal assistant, carrying the sweets and providing some entertainment with his moves; Sleeping Beauty for falling early with her teddy but remaining a brave runner for the rest of the hash; Hash Quack for losing her shoe; Dr Jeckyll for exhibiting his tight, stripey underwear back at the on inn; and finally, namings for our 2 newest recruits: Comes First for Olivia and In The Bush for Christian.
Hot Lips x
Next week: The Royal Forrester, Callow Hill, DY14 9XW (AGM too)
We need some more hashes laid too please - have a look at the website & let Clodhopper know when and where, thanks!