Monday, 30 April 2012

The Lock, Wolverley


Date: Thursday 26th April 2012

Pub: the Lock, Wolverley

Food: Chilli
Virgins: None
Visitors : None
Hare: Copulation
Guest Blogger: Game Bird


20 hashers plus 2 youngsters Duncan & Ethan and our usual doggie hashers Boris and Maisie arrived to run Copulation’s 5 ½ mile rainy trail – a mixture of fields, canal paths, country lanes & village streets. Not too hilly and plenty of drinks and sweets at all of the hash halts. Of course Hard On also brought along his regular supply of sweets !!! . This week Polos for the males and Love Hearts for the females……….
At the 3rd hash halt Shag decided to jump into the biggest puddle in preparation for this Sunday’s Mud Runner but he completely soaked  poor Duncan. Cyclopath also ran – she was as fresh as a daisy after her London Marathon which she completed in 5hours and 11 minutes overtaking politicians, celebrities and fancy dressers on route and raising £800 ! Well done Cyclopath.
In all another great Hash – thank you Copulation.

Doggy Fashion made her official debut as RA as The Saint is now recovering from his knee operation. We did receive a phone call from the Saint mid meal – just checking up on us ……..we all wish The Saint a speedy recovery.
Doggy Fashion awarded down downs to the Hare, Cyclopath for the Marathon, Spotted Dick for skidding, Hard On for approaching female hashers for help with his faulty zip !!, Duncan for being bullied by Shag. Shag was awarded a special muddy puddle drink for his antics.

Tuesday Mountain Biking 7pm at the Wyre Forest Visitor Centre
Sunday 6th May Rock Pound The Bounds

Friday, 20 April 2012

The Red Man, Kidderminster

# 194

Date: Thursday 19th April 2012
Pub: The Red Man, Kidderminster
Food: Buffet
Beers: Timothy Taylor Landlord, Green King IPA, Hobgoblin, Enville Ale
Virgins: none
Visitors: none
Hare: Wrong!
Trail: The rain did not put people off tonight and 22 people turned up for a wonderful albeit very wet hash!   3 hash halts and plenty of Haribo sweets to keep us going (plus skittles, courtesy of Hard On).  I did have migraine symptoms at the first hash halt but these had disappeared by the second – proof that exercise is good for you!  A slightly flatter run this evening, starting out through the town centre, running along the canal, over to Marlpool and Puxton Marsh, where there was much entertainment as we watched each other running/struggling through the marshland.  Most managed to get through relatively unscathed, with just a few soggy feet, however Tits or Treats appeared to walk on water!  Young Ethan seemed poised to give Doggy Fashion a piggy back but Shag came to her rescue… or so she thought… he carried her across but took a tumble halfway through and poor Doggy Fashion looked more like she was doing the dying fly!!
Down Downs: by the Saint to Wrong! for his fantastic, wet hashAlso for bullying 1st splash goes to Lassie, 2nd splash to Shag for playing the Saint,  and 3rd to Crossdresser for spectacularly splashing Hash Quack, and finally the Pro for the worst parking and Tits or Treats for walking on water!

Good Luck to Cyclopath who is running the London Marathon on Sunday. Why not sign up for her online sponsorship form at

Next week: 7pm from The Lock in Wolverley.

Hot Lips

Friday, 13 April 2012

Cleobury Mortimer and later at Ron Hill

# 193

Date: Thursday 12th April 2012

Pub: The Talbot, Cleobury Mortimer (meeting place only)

Food: back at Game Bird’s mum’s
Hare: Game Bird
Visitors: Fiona & Ellie
Virgins: None
Food: Stew with potatoes, carrots & bread, followed by cake, cheesecake & cheese & biscuits, all of the homemade variety, courtesy of Game Bird’s mum & Game Bird
Drinks: courtesy of Shag’s bar
Donations: food & drink monies donated to the Salvation Army

Trail: 25 hashers tonight for a 4.8 mile, apparently “flat” trail.  Ha ha, that Bird’s certainly got a sense of humour as it soon became obvious that this was to be a very hilly run, with lots of wildlife along the way and some fantastic views & scenery.  There was a little foul play from Cleopatra at the first hash halt but revenge was served cold with a dip in a puddle!
Thanks and cheers to Game Bird’s mum for the wonderful hospitality
Down downs: by the Saint to Game Bird for her trail; the Pro for coming 2nd in the Ironbridge half marathon last weekend (well done!); Ellie for  her occasional visit; Cleopatra for cleaning her “soiled” shoe on Crossdresser’s leg; Crossdresser and Eamon for retaliation with the cold dip and Hard On for doin’ his thong!

Hot Lips

P.s. Wyre Forest HHH hoodies are now available!
Mens £25 each, ladies £23 each, see the Amateur or the Pro for details

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Hash Report Habberley Golf club April 2012

# 192

Date: Thursday 5th April 2012
Pub: Habberley Golf Club
Hare: Just Helen
Visitors: Martin & Ethan
Virgins: None
Beers: Banks’s Bitter & Mild, Murphys, Stowford Press Cider, bottled beers/ales 
Food: Gammon & pineapple / Mediterranean vegetable nut roast, salad & chips

Trail: 21 hashers (most of whom were in fancy dress with a doctors/nurses/school/college theme to celebrate the hare’s graduation).  Approximately a 4-mile trail around Low and High  Habberley, and Habberley Valley with quite a few false trails.  Refreshments halfway round probably caused a bit of unruliness, as the hashers were more concerned over the name of one of the rocks rather than picking up the trail again!  A final halt at Pecketts Rock saw some of the hashers climb to the top in search of the Devil’s Armchair – thankfully, no one was lost.

Down downs: the hare, also christened Hot Lips; Game Bird for flashing her PE knickers, Cyclopath for announcing that she will be running the London Marathon this year and Pete (?Compost) for actually turning up to a hash - it’s been a long time!

Hot Lips (Ne Just Helen!)

That running Bug!

From Just Helen
How I got the running bug

I started running a couple of years ago.  I was heading for the big 4 0 and wanted to do something to get a bit fitter and prevent the dreaded middle-aged spread.  I also wanted to do it as cheaply as possible – i.e. FREE.  One of my work colleagues told me that the hardest thing to do was actually fitting a new exercise regime into your daily life.  His advice?  Start small.  For the next 2 weeks I got up early every morning, put my newly acquired running gear on, walked about 200m down the road and then walked back again.  After a few mornings of doing this, I started making little changes like walking there and running back, before gradually increasing the distance.  Within a few weeks I was running about 1 mile around the block every other morning; I’d lost a bit of weight too - excellent!  I did a few longer off-road runs with my brother in law (a long-distance runner) and loved this sort of running but found that I needed more time for this – time I didn’t have every day.

I’d heard about the Hash House Harriers.  They all sounded a little eccentric to tell you the truth, so I continued with my early morning lonesome runs, knowing this was manageable for me.  I then bumped into a friend of my sister’s just before Christmas and after a long chat about something else, I picked up on the fact that she ran with a group.  This I questioned her about and learned that she also ran with the Hash House Harriers but the Wyre Forest group.  I looked them up on the internet (both the Wyre Forest and Malvern groups) decided that they were indeed all mad BUT I was still interested.  There was going to be a run that week, although I felt that Christmas wasn’t really the right time to join an established group.  After talking to another friend of mine about running and hashing, she agreed with me “they sound completely mad, let’s join!” 
 Our first hash was 29th December 2011, a very muddy run!  My friend unfortunately sustained an ankle injury that night and is yet to return (although she assures me she will.  Meanwhile, I’ve become a more permanent fixture. 

And how I volunteered to be Hash Scribe

I was relaying the above story to the Amateur, the Professional and Tits or Treats once we had eaten and done the down downs after the first trail I had laid.  I had been talking about reading the Malvern HHH website to see what I was really letting myself in for.  I said I liked the reports about the runs (and the shenanigans afterwards) and that was what had sparked my intrigue.  I commented on the lack on Wyre Forest HHH reports, which was then met with “how about you do the blog then?!” from Game Bird.  This was followed up with “2 & a half pints and she’ll do anything!” from Shag (thank you, Shag!  That’s not quite true, I’ll have you know, but I did think, well, why not?) 
So here goes then!  On on…