Saturday 9 March 2013

The Perdiswell, Worcester

# 244
Date: Thursday 7th March
Pub: Perdiswell House, Claines, Worcester
Food: off the menu
Beer: Abbot ale, Guinness etc

Hares: Torchy the Battery Boy and Who’s the Daddy?
Virgins: none
Visitors: Dangerous Dave & Richard

Trail: Flooded fields, fabulous refreshments, foul play, falling, facial hair, frogs, freestyle running but no flippin’ flour!  Their last marathon hash had almost been forgotten and we were obviously all still in shock from Hash Quack’s reasonable run last week when we set for tonight’s “5 miler” that had apparently been “sabotaged” by the rain.  The hares spent the first half of the hash up front guiding the way, showing us where they said they’d left their marks; we really needed Inspector Clusoe  out there! 

Lovely cupcakes (maybe that’s where all the four went?) at the 1st HH helped to sweeten us & give us enough energy to cross the next field (lake), our running shoes gathering enough mud to create the best workout ever.  Some foul play from Torchy somehow left Shag on his back flashing his white pins.  Pootle was on form, giving us directions across the smelly onion field where we were rewarded with some more super refreshments (shandy and sweets) at the next HH, however, Slim Boy Fat was far too busy to notice as he was caught up on a very important business call.  An extremely original trail of frogs led us off down the next path; should they have been glued to the path?  Surely there wasn’t enough flour for that?! 
Down to the river where we were all slip-sliding away, lucky not to fall in and all looking like Bambi on ice until we inadvertently came across the final HH with yet more sweets - hooray!  Clodhopper and Crossdresser found a gurgling bathtub at the edge of a field (?!); their auditory hallucinations turned out to be the stampeding horses (that shandy must have been good stuff!).  The final furlong (fiasco) turned out to be a little more than we expected when the hash became hashes, where one half followed tonight’s trail and the other half were taken back in time to follow Denis The Menace’s Malvern trail from a couple of weeks ago.  Fact.  A flour trail that actually survived the rain?  Look and learn boys.  All in all, a fabulously eventful 8-9 miler – we’ll all sleep well tonight!

Some fairly fine fodder at the on inn, when we finally got there.  A few flashbacks from the hash weekend almost resulting in fisticuffs between Crossdresser, Smudger and Doggy Fashion and an ingenious start to down downs to compensate for the music round of the pub quiz going on around us – great gesticulation DF!!

Down downs: Who’s the Daddy and Torchy the Battery Boy for their flourless trail, only to redeem themselves with their fine refreshments; Shag (Smudger) for falling and his facial hair attempt; our visitor Dangerous Dave (Richard didn’t get a look in, maybe he shouldn’t let people know he’s Crossdresser’s brother) and finally to Legover for his appreciation of modern “can do” women.

Hot Lips x
check it out here    

1 comment:

  1. Great cup cakes, but I would say that! Definitely need them for the long long run in that the FRBs had!


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